Tag: math

  • Choosing a Data Science Graduate Program

    Due to the large list of Colleges with Data Science Degrees, I receive a number of email inquires with questions about choosing a program. I have not attended any of the programs, and I am not sure how qualified I am to provide guidance. Anyhow, I will do my best to share what information I…

  • Latex Documents Online

    Although not specific to data science, if you write a lot of documents with mathematical notation, you are probably familiar with . is a typesetting system common for mathematics. There are now some nice resources to help you write and produce documents collaboratively on the web. ShareLatex writing and collaboration platform writeLaTeX online collaborative editor…

  • 3 Secrets for Aspiring Data Scientists | Software Advice

    Michael Koploy wrote 3 Secrets for Aspiring Data Scientists about what it takes to enter a career as a data scientist. He lays out 3 steps: Sharpen Your Scientific Saw – Hone your math and science skills Learn the Language of Business – Data Scientists need to explain the data in business terms Keep Adding…

  • Coursera Adds 17 New Universities

    Just Announced, Coursera adds 17 new universities. Those universities include Columbia and Brown, as well as a few international universities. A few notable courses for data science are: a new machine learning course from the University of Washington, Linear Algebra from Brown, and Natural Language Processing by Michael Collins from Columbia. See the following pages…

  • Learn Math for Data Science

    Math is one of the key building blocks of data science. While you cannot do a lot of data science with just calculus and linear algebra, both topics are essential for more advanced topics in data science such as machine learning, algorithms, and advanced statistics. Here are some freely available resources for learning both topics.…

  • Take and Learn Statistics For Free

    Last week, Udacity started a course on Introduction to Statistics, Making Decisions Based on Data. This is a beginners level course on statistics, so it should be accessible to everyone. The course consists of seven units, which are intended to last about one week each. Udacity does not enforce any time limits though. Homework problems…

  • A Data Science Curriculum

    This is not intended to be mapped to a set of college courses. It is intended to be a listing of necessary skills for a data scientist. For a definition of data scientist, see this previous post. Mathematics Calculus – not directly important to data science, but the knowledge is important to understand the statistics…

  • STEM Graduates Quit Because The Material Is Difficult

    STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Due to the difficulty of STEM degrees, it appears many students abandon the degrees in college. While this fact is not surprising, it is still concerning. Our country and world need more good people with STEM skills. A STEM degree is not essential to becoming a data…