What is a Developer Advocate, TDI 16 with @arynnpost

Threads Dev Interviews

I am finding developers on Threads and interviewing them, right on Threads.

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Note: The views in these interviews are personal views and do not represent the interviewee’s employer.

“How well can you write about a process, how cohesive is it, and can you write for different audiences?”

A M-P (@arynnpost) on Threads

First off, @arynnpost, your profile lists you as a developer advocate. What is a developer advocate and how did you get into that role?

Developer Advocate goes by many names. Data evangelist, developer relations (aka devrel), and data advocate all fall into the same family.

There are differences in each role, but the underlying theme is to help members of a community use and understand your tool (or related tools) better. Sometimes that involves working on projects to show a specific function, sometimes it’s more written or video education. It depends.

I was a solutions engineer prior, which led into this type of work. Solutions engineers (also called sales engineers or solutions architechts) help prospective customers conduct a PoV (proof of value). They demo the tool and help people in the sales process see if their tool is the right fit.

Awesome, do you speak at conferences and meetups too?

I have spoken at or worked a booth for a few different conferences. My favorite was probably when I got to do both at dbt Coalesce conference last year. I’ve also been on a LinkedIn live series, and I would love to do more of that. Talks get the prestige, but I enjoy working at a booth way more. You get to have conversations instead of just talking at people.

If someone reading this is thinking a developer advocate sounds like a neat career, what advice would you have for them?

Developer advocates typically work in a space or with a tool they are very technically skilled on themselves.
My advice: What sets you apart is
1) writing
2) narrative crafting
How well can you write about a process, how cohesive is it, and can you write for different audiences? It’s content creation, but not in a self-serving way.

What programming languages have you used over your career and which language have you used the most?

I don’t do a ton of programming. I’ve always been more toward the “end of the stack”.

That said, SQL and Python.

How can people find you elsewhere?

See the interview on Threads.

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