Category: Threads Dev Interview

  • The Future of AR with @jonlax: TDI 27

    “I see AR having awareness of the world around us and being able to assist us in that world.” Jon Lax (@jonlax) on Threads Today we have @jonlax, what is one application of Augmented Reality (AR) that exists today, but you think is under utilized? We only have phone/camera based AR at scale today. The…

  • AI Research with @iamanneharris: TDI 26

    “I was always keenly aware that all of the activity was teaching me ways to interact with systems that one day might need me as much as I had needed them.” — P Anne Harris (@iamanneharris) on Threads Today we have @iamanneharris. What is one thing about AI that keeps you up at night? Humans.…

  • Pro Baseball to Developer with @anthonyshew: TDI 25

    “I would code on the bus, on the plane, at the hotel, at home…pretty much anywhere except the field! The field was baseball time.” — Anthony Shew (@anthonyshew) on Threads How did you go from Pro Baseball Player to Developer? I’ve written a lot about this here!… The TL;DR is: How did your baseball…

  • Quantum Computing with @hellodavidryan: TDI 24

    “Within ten years there will be everything from small form factor QPUs doing 10 to 30 qubits as a part of roaming networks of devices, through to crazy large quantum devices doing thousands of qubits” — David (@hellodavidryan) on Threads Today we have @hellodavidryan. How did you end up working in the Quantum Computing space?…

  • Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality with @ambich0o: TDI 23

    Interested in Augmented Reality (AR), Read a description and hear about its future in this interview.

  • Hacking Startups, Scaling Sites and Sipping Knowledge: An Espresso Chat with @zvonimirfras: TDI 22

    “If you’re not learning A LOT, something’s not right. Change it up.” — Zvonimir Fras (@zvonimirfras) on Threads Today we have @zvonimirfras. You were the first software engineer at a startup. What was that like? Chaotic 😛 They initially hired me to kick-start their web platform, but I also got to help with computer vision…

  • Disinformation Research with @lucas_a_meyer: TDI 21

    “In general, the most common use of the work I do is to remove bad stuff from the Internet or tag it as suspicious.” — Lucas A. Meyer (@lucas_a_meyer) on Threads Today we have @lucas_a_meyer. How did your career lead you to become a researcher in the AI and LLM space? Although I always wanted…

  • The Future of Software using AI and No-code with @vpalepu: TDI 20

    “What happens when AI ends up making mistakes? Who is responsible for fixing them?” — Vijay (@vpalepu) on Threads Today we have @vpalepu. We are entering an era in which AI can write code, what are the concerns of software written by AI? Great question! And I wanted to couch my answer in some basic…

  • Being a Content Creator and Developer with @kendalmintcode: TDI 19

    “Making real connections and playing an active part in the dev and tech communities.” — Rob Kendal (@kendalmintcode) on Threads Today we have @kendalmintcode. How did your career take you from developer to consultant/teacher? Thanks for having me 😊. I started out in IT infrastructure and self-studied web development. Over my career I’ve been very…

  • Engineering Manager for Reality Labs with @dannyzlo: TDI 18

    “I think most people are still sleeping on the paradigm shift we’re heading for AR in the next few years.” — Danny Zlobinsky (@dannyzlo) on Threads Today we have @dannyzlo. What does an Engineering Manager at Meta Reality Labs do? Hello! Let’s try my best at distilling this down to a reasonable length: an engineering…

  • The Future of LLMs and Spatial Computing with @mad.marchy: TDI 17

    “I think this kind of technology will be essential for expanding how we interact with the world around us…” — @mad.marchy Let’s get this week off to a good start. @mad.marchy What is one area of technology or development that you are most passionate about right now, positive or negative? Picking the tech I’m most…

  • What is a Developer Advocate, TDI 16 with @arynnpost

    “How well can you write about a process, how cohesive is it, and can you write for different audiences?” — A M-P (@arynnpost) on Threads First off, @arynnpost, your profile lists you as a developer advocate. What is a developer advocate and how did you get into that role? Developer Advocate goes by many names.…