Tag: quantum computing

  • Quantum Computing with @hellodavidryan: TDI 24

    “Within ten years there will be everything from small form factor QPUs doing 10 to 30 qubits as a part of roaming networks of devices, through to crazy large quantum devices doing thousands of qubits” — David (@hellodavidryan) on Threads Today we have @hellodavidryan. How did you end up working in the Quantum Computing space?…

  • Complete Guide of Quantum Computing Resources

    Complete Guide of Quantum Computing Resources

    Quantum Computing is starting to gain attention in the developer world and startup circles. Here is a large listing of resources for learning about quantum computing. Quantum Computing Books Quantum Computing Courses Quantum Computing Blogs Quantum Computing Research Quantum Computing Podcasts Quantum Computing Companies Large Companies doing Quantum Computing In addition to the large cloud…